Mathematics Quiz for Practice CBSE 7th.  “Sharpen your skills with our Mathematics Quiz for CBSE Class 7th! 📚✨ Prepare smarter, not harder. This quiz is designed to help you practice key concepts, strengthen problem-solving skills, and build confidence for your  exams.

Perimeter and Area

Class 7th maths quiz

1 / 10

Find the breadth of a rectangular plot of land, if its area is 440 m2 and the length is 22 m.

2 / 10

The area of a square whose perimeter is 4 m


3 / 10

Find the area of a verandah 2.25 m wide constructed outside a room 5.5 m long and 4 m wide.

4 / 10

Find the area of a triangle with a base of 20 cm and a height of 30 cm

5 / 10

The area of parallelogram is

6 / 10

A rectangular garden is 65 cm long and 50 cm wide. Two cross paths each 2 m wide are to be constructed parallel to the sides. If these paths pass through the centre of the garden, find the cost of constructing the paths at the rate Rs. 69 per m2.

7 / 10

If we cut a square along one of its diagonals, two triangles are obtained. Area of each triangle obtained = __________.

8 / 10

Find the perimeter of a triangle with sides 4 cm, 6 cm and 10 cm

9 / 10

If the area of a circle is 2464 m2, find its diameter,

10 / 10

What is the circumference of a circle of diameter 10 cm?

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