CBSE Class 10th English


Question 1.1. What does Sandburg think the fog is like?2. How does the fog come?3. What does ‘it’ in the third line refer to? 4. Does the poet actually say that the fog is like a cat? Find three things that tell us that the fog is like a cat. say that the fog is like a cat? Find three things that tell us that the fog is like a cat.Answer:1. Sandburg thinks that the fog is like a cat.2. The fog comes silently like a cat on its small feet.3. ‘It’ refers to fog.4. The poet does not actually say that the fog is like a cat, but he uses the metaphor of cat for comparison.Three things that tell us that the fog is like a cat are:

  • It comes silently like a cat on its small feet.
  • It looks over like a cat.
  • It sits on its haunches like a cat.

Question 2.You know that a metaphor compares two things by transferring a feature of one thing to the other.1. Find metaphors for the following words and complete the table below. Also try to say how they are alike. The first is done for you.

Storm Tiger Pounces over the fields, growls
Train Snake Long rope like body
Fire Sun Symbol of power
School Temple Teaches moral values, virtues
Home Shelter Safety, warmth
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(Next Lesson) The Tale of Custard the Dragon
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